Medication For Premature Ejaculation

Dapoxetine is a prescription only drug used to treat men who suffer from premature ejaculation (PE). It works by supressing the hormones responsible for ejaculation. It is the first licenced treatment for premature ejaculation and contains the active ingredient 'dapoxetine', which belongs to a group of medicines called 'selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors' (SSRIs). SSRIs are usually found in antidepressants, but one of their side effects is delaying ejaculation.

Efficacy of dapoxetine in the treatment of premature ejaculation:

  • Priligy is not a cure, but helps to improve premature ejaculation when you take it.
  • It is the only tablet to be specifically licensed to help with ejaculatory disorder.
  • Eight out of ten men who take this drug will experience a longer ejaculation time.
  • Dapoxetine is a short-acting and potent SSRI that can be taken as needed.

It's estimated that one man in 10 has a problem related to having sex, such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. It can affect any man, whether he is straight, gay, bisexual or transgender.

Ways to increase the duration of sex and improving the quality of intercourse

Curing the disorders associated with the orgasm phase of the sexual cycle.

Some men with premature ejaculation may experience an improvement in their symptoms as soon as treatment begins. However, you will usually need to take the medication for one to two weeks before you notice the full effects of the treatment. Long-term use of Dapoxetine, at the higher dose of 60 mg, more than 80% of men reported that they were at least "fairly" satisfied with sexual intercourse after nine months. Needless to say, there are similar findings related to personal distress and interpersonal difficulty. But for me, the point is not so much whether or not Dapoxetine actually improves sex – it clearly does to some degree.

Men should worry about premature ejaculation only if it is frequent, in which case the issue should be addressed with a physician. A doctor might recommend therapy or a prescription medication, and a psychologist or a psychiatrist might be able to help as well.


Male sexual and reproductive health problems.

Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual problems in men. Approximately 50 percent of men over age 50 have erectile dysfunction (ED), which may include impotence, decreased libido, low testosterone, etc. Choosing the right treatment is based on a careful evaluation of your symptoms and medical condition. Various treatments are available to treat erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, infertility, and Peyonie's Disease. Drugs may be prescribed to increase blood flow to the penis. They may be taken orally, injected into the penis or administered via urethral suppository.



Delayed ejaculation causes and how to overcome it.

Ejaculation is a reflex comprising different sensory pathways, motor centers, and nerve pathways. This ejaculatory reflex has been shown to be controlled primarily by both serotonin and dopamine: specifically. Suffering men find difficulty in establishing a sexual interaction with their partners, with the usage of Dapoxetine, one feels confident enough to perform sex with ease and help in maintaining a healthy relation.

Indeed, it is probably true to say that most men with this particular sexual dysfunction regard sex as hard work, and not as a very enlightening or satisfying experience. In therapeutic practice, it is often found that men with delayed ejaculation actually vary considerably in the ease with which they can overcome the problem.


Warning regarding buying medication on the Internet.

Many medications mentioned here are available from commercial websites on the internet. Medication such as SSRIs can have a wide range of side effects so it is important to take it under the supervision of a healthcare professional. You'll need guidance about whether the medication is suitable for you, the correct dose to take and any interactions with other medicines. Also, medications ordered on the internet from an unregistered website could also be out-of-date, diluted or fake, making them dangerous to your health.

